Getting Started


Card Network Reports


Card Network Reports

Quarterly Scheme Report

​The POST Create Quarterly Scheme Report endpoint creates the quarterly scheme report (QSR) with all necessary quarterly reporting data that acquirers must submit to the Card Networks for which they are licensed. Currently we support the Global Operating Certificate (GOC) for Visa and the Quarterly Mastercard Reporting (QMR) for Mastercard.

In order to create a QSR the user should POST to /reports/quarterlySchemeReport. This requires the reports:Create permissions. First, the user must provide the network parameter to indicate whether the user wants to create a Visa GOC report or Mastercard QMR report. The following parameters are dependent on the network:

  • For Visa, one should include network, bid, quarter, year, currency

  • For Mastercard, one should include network, acquirerIdCode, quarter, year, currency

An example for a Visa request is the following:

Note that for currency, Silverflow uses the conversion rates applicable on the date of each individual reconciliation.

The user should also include the mimeType in the body of the request. Currently, the only format that Silverflow supports is "application/". Lastly, one may include a reference for internal purposes.

After a successful response the user will retrieve a response with the reportKey and status = scheduled. Once the report status is completed, the user can retrieve the report details using GET /reports/{reportKey} and download the generated report via GET /reports/{reportKey}/file. In order to stay up to date on the status of the report, once could subscribe to the event notification. The events are retrieved from eventSource =