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Currency Conversion Rates


Currency Conversion Rates

Currency rates in payment transactions refer to the exchange rate at which one currency is converted into another. Payment transactions often involve multiple currencies, and the exchange rate at which they are converted can significantly affect the transaction's overall cost and associated fees.

In the case of card schemes, the rates used are published daily and are known before the effective date when the affected transactions occur. With the endpoint, the Silverflow platform provides acquirers with the rates of all currency pairs for all networks supported on the platform. These rates can be retrieved for the upcoming day but also the historic rates can be retrieved.

This request would return a complete list of the exchange rates for all supported Visa currency pairs as of January 1st, 2021.

Example Currency Conversion Response

This response includes information on the rates between source and target currencies and will include an array of currency pairs. It also includes the exact buy and sell rates, which can be used to reproduce exactly all currency conversion operations performed by the card networks.