Scheme Fee Details Report
The Scheme Fee Details report returns all estimated scheme fees that are calculated based on actions (authentications, authorizations and clearing) performed by an Agent that causes an interaction with the card networks which is expected to trigger fees. This results in every fee estimate being traceable to a specific transaction or action and thus to a particular merchant. Due to the complexities of calculating scheme fees caused by currency conversion and uncertain criteria, scheme fees should always be considered an estimate.
In order to do this, scheme fees are recorded in a specialized ledger within the Silverflow platform. This Scheme Fee Ledger uses decimal arithmetic, retains the degree of precision of the calculated fees, and stores fees in an immutable way. This makes the ledger a suitable source for financial reporting of scheme fees.
Fees are returned in the expected billing currency from the card network, therefore currency conversion may be required to convert the fees into the currency in which they are billed to the merchant. Depending on the Settlement Service configuration certain Visa transactions may trigger scheme fees in more than one currency, so it is the Acquirers' responsibility to convert into a single currency in order to calculate the merchant payout deduction.
It should be noted that some fees will returned with multiple tiers; it is up to the Agent to select the appropriate tier that should be passed onto to the Merchant. Each scheme fee detail will also include an impact (debit or credit), this should be used as part of the aggregation, as in certain countries scheme fees are credited to the Agent.
Silverflow's scheme fee estimation is built on the internal event architecture of the Silverflow platform. This event architecture is largely asynchronous, which means that (transaction lifecycle) events are produced and consumed outside of (and after) the critical transaction flows. Consequently, the scheme fee estimation offers only "eventual consistency".
However, when a scheme fee is estimated, it is assigned a fee date. This fee date designates the moment that the fee was logically incurred. For instance, when a transaction is authorized, the fee(s) for that transaction will get a fee date that matches the time of authorization and not the time that the estimation is calculated. This mitigates, to a large degree, the side-effects of this delayed processing.
Note that the fee date gives no indications on when the fee will be 'billed' or withheld. Currently, billing dates are not calculated and therefore not included in the fees. The billing frequency however, is included.
When a fee is recorded in the ledger, the fee "booking" is assigned a book date. This book date holds the exact moment that the fee was recorded. It is therefore merely a technical date that does not bear any meaning on the fee itself.
The book date is always after the fee date. For the majority of fees the book date is on the same calendar day as the fee date. However, in the following cases the dates may be on different calendar days:
Fees that are incurred close to midnight (UTC) might be booked on the next calendar day (UTC).
Corrections for previously recorded fees may have a different (later) calendar day.
Under exceptional circumstances, during (or after) disruptions, fees may be booked on a later calendar day.
To better illustrate the relation between fee date and book date, consider the following diagram.

The diagram above shows a timeline beginning on May 1st (midnight UTC) and continuing through May 3rd. It also shows several scheme fees with arrows on the timeline indicating the time they are recorded in the ledger. Note that in scheme fees both fee date and book date are ISO 8601 Dates with time in UTC, but for simplicity, the diagram only shows date information.
Fee 1
, 2
, 3
and 9
are based on transactions that occurred on May 1st. They are also recorded in the ledger on the same calendar day. Hence their fee date and book date "day" are the same.
Fee 10
has occurred only seconds before midnight May 2nd. As it takes some time to calculate and transport the scheme fee, it is persisted seconds after midnight, on May 2nd. Hence the book date of this fee is on the next calendar day.
Fee 11
is, similar to fee 1
, 2
, 3
and 9
, persisted on the same day as it was incurred. Fee- and book date "day" are the same.
Fee 12
on the other hand, that was incurred on May 1st, was delayed due to a 'technical disruption' and only delivered for persistence the next day, on May 2nd. So the fee date "day" is May 1st but the book date is on May 2nd.
Fee 18
and 19
are a correction for fee 1
caused by an interchange calculation error. This correction consists of two fee records. The first (18
) is a reversal that “negates” the amount in fee 1
. The second (19
) is the actual correction that holds the corrected amount. The correction was for a fee with a fee date of May 1st. So the fee date of the correction is also May 1st. However, the correction was processed and persisted on May 2nd so the book date is May 2nd. Interchange corrections typically occur within hours of original fee. Please note, corrections in the Scheme Fee Details report are not currently supported but the report has been designed to support this functionality in the near future.
Fee 31
and 32
are a correction for fee 2
. Fee 2
was calculated incorrectly due to a software error. The correction was created as part of a data repair procedure. Similar to the correction for fee 1
, this correction consists of two fee records. The first (31
) is a reversal that “negates” the amount in fee 2
. The second (32
) is the actual correction that holds the corrected amount. The correction was for a fee with a fee date of May 1st. So the fee date of the correction is also May 1st. However, the correction was processed and persisted on May 4th so the book date is May 4th. Data repair corrections are very rare but may occur. They are always marked as such and contain a note referencing a particular incident that is shared with impacted customers prior to being created. This type of correction may have a large impact on daily merchant payout. Hence, the Silverflow Technical Account Manager will reach out to discuss if, when and how these corrections will be applied.
The scheme fee details report is currently available to be queried using either the feeDate or the bookDate. Due to client feedback and to make the report easier to query, querying the report by feeDate and the since/last token has been deprecated.
Going forward it is recommended to query the report using the bookDate from and to. This will return all fees that have been calculated and recorded to the ledger during that period. There is a chance that events will have occurred in that period and a scheme fee will be calculated that is in the process of being written to the ledger. These fees will be available when the report is subsequently called using a sequential book date from to query parameter.