Getting Started


Scheme Fee Details Report


Scheme Fee Details Report

Schedule Reports

The Scheme Fee Details endpoints returns all estimated scheme fees that are calculated based on actions performed by an Agent that causes an interaction with the card networks which is expected to trigger fees.

To make the retrieval of the Scheme Fee Details more flexible the reports are configureable for a specific time range with the feeDateFrom and feeDateTo as a parameter in the request. This can be achieved by doing a POST to /reports/schemeFeeDetails and will schedule a report to be generated according to the requested input parameters.

Note: The report can be in either application/json or text/csv as can be indicated i the mimeType of the request.

Currently, this report returns only "transactional" scheme fees and does not perform any allocation of fixed or semi-variable scheme fees which are charged to Acquirers by the card networks. For example, Silverflow does not assign any Card Network Connectivity or Project fees to individual actions.

Retrieve Reports

Once completed, the report can be retrieved by doing a GET to the /reports/{reportKey}/file endpoint by using the reportKey which has been in the response of the report creation call. A partial example response (full response details):

The fees that are calculated are the result of authentication, authorization, and clearing actions that are performed through the Silverflow processing platform. Fees are returned in the expected billing currency from the card network, therefore currency conversion may be required to convert the fees into the currency in which they are billed to the merchant. Please note, that for Visa depending on settlement service configuration, a single transaction may trigger fees in more than one currency. For example, 3DS authentication fees will be billed in EUR, however, if the transaction is settled on the Swedish National Net Settlement Service in SEK, then clearing and settlement scheme fees will be estimated in SEK. If a fee contains multiple tiers, then all tiers will be returned in the report and it is up to the Agent to select the appropriate fee to use in the merchant payout calculation.

If currency conversion is required to determine what scheme fees are triggered by an action, then the scheme fee service will use the applicable currency conversion rate of the card network at that moment in time and the rate used will be made available in the report.

As fees are generated as actions are performed, there will be a delay until when they are invoiced by the card networks depending on the billing interval of the respective fees. For example, a transaction may trigger fees that are billed quarterly therefore these may not be invoiced until up to 3 months in the future.