Fraud Notifications
The card networks mandate that issuers begin by filing a fraud notification before a charge is disputed for fraud reasons. We provide acquirers with the means to be notified when a charge has been flagged as possibly fraudulent. This information can be used to act before a fraudulent Charge is converted to a chargeback, decreasing the number of total fraud disputes and preventing the associated operational burden.
For Visa, this is done using TC40 fraud notification files, and for Mastercard, it is done through the SAFE system. We receive these notifications and make them accessible to clients through the API. It is the client's responsibility to monitor and act upon fraud notifications appropriately.
Event notifications are sent to a URL specified by the customer when creating an Event Subscription webhook with a specified source. If a Fraud Event subscription is created, events are emitted in case a new Fraud Notification object is created (inbound from the Issuer). A Fraud Event Notification contains the Fraud Notification and Charge keys. Create an Event Subscription for Fraud Notifications by submitting the following request to the Create Event Subscription endpoint:
For more details, please refer to the Event Notifications section.
The Fraud Notification object is generated when a fraudulent charge has been reported to the card networks. A Fraud Notification is directly related to a single transaction (if Silverflow processes this transaction, it will also be related to a Charge) and has a unique Fraud Notification key
. Retrieve these Fraud Notifications from the API using the Get Fraud Notifications endpoint. Below is an example response:
This API response provides critical information regarding a fraudulent transaction, enabling businesses to identify, investigate, and take appropriate action to mitigate risks associated with fraudulent activities.
Certain card networks require acquirers to monitor the number of fraud notifications (as opposed to fraud chargebacks). If the ratio exceeds a threshold, the schemes will fine the acquirer. Silverflow provides acquirers with access to a Fraud Notification Report Endpoint to monitor the number of Fraud Notifications.
Note: The fraud endpoints on the Silverflow API can be used to manage fraud notifications, assuming that the user has access to and experience with the card network's rules regarding fraud notifications. Please take a look at the card network manuals for more information.