Payfacs and Market Places
The flexible account hierarchy also permits the user to create the structure required to process payments for Payment Facilitators and Marketplaces, even though there is no separate entity for this. This can be achieved by creating a collection of merchants and/or merchant acceptors. The card scheme-defined PayFac ID or Marketplace ID can be set in acquirerOrPayFacBusinessId
. The (sub-) merchants are identified by the mid
and/or the subMerchantId
In this model, the Payment Facilitator will be onboarded on the platform at the Merchant level. The sub-merchants will be onboarded at the Merchant Acceptor level, and the acquirerOrPayFacId
and the subMerchantId
are to be set on the Acceptor.
Additionally, the sub-merchant name needs to be set in the doingBusinessAsName
according to the format PayFac*submerchantName
as defined by the card network. This is the value that will be displayed on the shopper's statement. This can also be achieved by using the dynamicDescriptor.merchantName
when submitting a charge.