Getting Started



The API offers access to all resources that Silverflow stores. Retrieving these resources can be achieved by accessing them through their individual URLs or by "paging" through all (or a subset) of the resources in the corresponding collection. When retrieving a set from the collection, the resources are returned in a "page" structure. This page structure varies per collection.

Here's an example for a page of merchants.

The page size can be controlled by the limit query parameter. When omitted, the default value of 10 is used. When specified, the minimum value is 1 and the maximum is 100. Getting the next page can be achieved by specifying the offsetToken query parameter using the offsetToken property from the previous page. When the returned page does not have an offsetToken property there is no following page.

All collection list methods offer a sortOrder query parameter that allows you to specify the direction. Allowed values are asc(ending) or desc(ending). The collections are typically sorted on creation date of the resources unless otherwise specified.

Some collections offer additional filtering parameters like from, to, date or various external reference values. Refer to the individual collection methods for details and code samples in various languages.