Getting Started


Getting Started


Before getting started with the integration to the Sandbox of the Silverflow platform you will need an Agent Activation Token. If you do not already have such a token, please reach out to your Silverflow representative to obtain one or simply get in touch via this form or by sending an email to Silverflow Support.

Activate Account

You are now ready to activate your account and enable the Agent we have created for you. This can be achieved by calling the Activate Agent endpoint.

Use the agent activation token in the authorization header using the bearer token scheme. The request to activate should look be formatted in alignment with the following HTTP request requirements.

The response to this method will return what we call the API management key and has the purpose to create additional API keys for specific use cases of the Silverflow API features and endpoints. An example response:

Note: The Activation Token can only be used once, so be sure to securely store the details returned in the response.

The API Key that is created upon agent activation will have all:All permission and should only be used as an API management key. You can achieve this by ensuring that this initial key is the only key that has any apiKeys permissions and use this key to create other keys with specific API permissions.

Note: You can also update this key with IP restrictions to further increase the security.

Create API Keys

Now that you have received the API management key the next step is to create one or more API Keys for integration, for example one for merchant onboarding and one for transaction processing. These keys can be used for calling endpoints on the Silverflow API.

API keys are created by calling the Create API Key endpoint.

To read more on how to authenticate using API Keys please refer to the Authentication section.

Create Merchants and Acceptors

After creating the necessary API Keys you are ready to start creating merchants and merchant acceptors. A merchant is the legal entity for which the Agent will send card transactions and merchant acceptor is the technical configuration of the merchant on the card network side containing the Network, MID, MCC etc. For a single merchant there will typically be one merchant per supported card network. To create a Merchant use the Create Merchant endpoint.

The binKeys will be provided by Silverflow. For the sandbox environment they should be included in the communication where you have also received the activation token.

In the example above the merchantAcceptorTemplate was used to create a merchant with two acceptors (one per provided binKey) in a single API call. Additional acceptors can be added at a later stage by using the Create Acceptor endpoint referencing the merchantKey.

This creation can also be done in two stages for less straightforward merchant configurations. This is achieved by first creating a merchant using the Create Merchant endpoint and omitting the merchantAcceptorTemplate and in a second step using the Create Acceptor endpoint referencing the merchantKey.

Creating Charges

Once the merchant and its acceptors have been created they can be used to process transactions. To create such charges on the Silverflow platform the Create Charges endpoint can be used. An example request:

Note: There are many types of charges which can be submitted, please refer to the full API reference for details

To create a charge use the Create Charge, Create 3DS Charge or Create MIT Charge endpoints.


The charges will be processed and submitted automatically by default and once a charge has been submitted for clearing the full reconciliation details of that particular charge will be available.

You are now able to retrieve these details by calling the Get Reconciliation Details endpoint and including the from and to timestamps as query parameters. An example response: