Dispute Handling
The dispute object covers the dispute process across different stages, which means there is one dispute with one unique disputeKey
, but the disputeStage
and disputeStatus
change as the dispute plays out. For every stage and status change, a unique dispute history event with a unique eventHistoryKey
maps to that event. Certain events coincide with or trigger a fund flow and an associated reconciliationDetail
; others do not.
The different card networks use overlapping terminology for their dispute processes, but there are differences. For the sake of clarity, we have added a table with definitions and how they map to our API:
Mastercard | Visa | Silverflow Dispute Stage | Silverflow Reconciliation Details |
Chargeback | Dispute |
Second Presentment | Dispute Response |
Pre-arbitration | Pre-arbitration |
Arbitration | Arbitration |
For Pre-Arbitration and Arbitration disputes, the funds flow is only triggered upon the conclusion of case filing.
Silverflow will automatically notify clients on an endpoint specified by the client whenever we receive a new fraud notification, new dispute, or updates to an existing dispute status from any card network. To enable this, clients must create an event notification webhook:
Silverflow currently supports the following pre-dispute solutions:
Mastercard Collaboration Requests
Visa Rapid Dispute Resolution
Issuers may start a Mastercard dispute with a collaboration request instead of a chargeback. Resolving conflicts with the collaboration process before a chargeback is issued can be beneficial because it reduces the chargeback ratios for merchants, which helps the merchant (and the acquirer) avoid fines.
Get notified about a new collaboration request on a specified URL with a
(only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists).Get the dispute with information about the collaboration request using the
as a path parameter:
Our API currently supports two responses to an incoming collaboration request: if the collaboration request is accepted, a message is sent to Mastercard to refund the transaction for which the request was received. No further action is required from the client. If the collaboration request is rejected, a message is sent to the issuer to notify them that the client doesn’t intend to refund the transaction. In most cases, this will cause the issuer to file a chargeback for the same transaction.
Accept the Mastercard collaboration request using the disputeKey
as the oath parameter:
This will trigger Mastercom to trigger a refund with an associated reconciliation detail.
Reject the collaboration request using the disputeKey
as the path parameter.
Visa provides Rapid Dispute Resolution to merchants that have enrolled their BIN and MID combination with Visa through Verifi. A merchant can effectively reduce its dispute rates by enrolling a MID and associating it with RDR rules (for example, apply RDR for any incoming dispute with category code 10.4 and dispute amount smaller than [x]). We do not facilitate the onboarding of merchant MIDs with Verifi. However, any incoming disputes that have been automatically settled for the merchant through RDR are recognized by us and will lead to the following:
No dispute was created on our API (because the dispute had already been settled automatically based on the rules set by the merchant).
An incoming reconciliation detail as follows:
Visa Rapid Dispute Resolution Reconciliation Details
Issuers can dispute a transaction by filing a chargeback with the card networks based on the card network dispute rules. Chargebacks lead to a financial flow (the disputed amount is withheld from the acquirer settlement) and an information exchange (the reason and evidence for the disputed transaction). The incoming chargeback event generates a new dispute object with disputeStage
: chargeback
and disputeStatus
: received
, a related history event object with disputeStage
: chargeback
, disputeStatus
: received
and event specific eventDetails
and a reconciliation detail object with typeSpecific
: FirstChargebackDMSSpecific
Get notified about new disputes or updates to a dispute status on a specified URL with a disputeKey
(only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists).
Get the dispute from the Silverflow API using the disputeKey
as a path parameter /disputes/{disputeKey}.
Get Mastercard Dispute
Get Mastercard Dispute Event History
Get the dispute event history using the disputeKey
as a path parameter /disputes/{disputeKey}/eventHistory
and get the dispute history event for the received chargeback using the eventHistoryKey
of the chargeback event /disputes/eventHistory/{eventHistoryKey}.
In the above examples, there are a few Mastercard-specific values for the dispute object ( reason.code, reason.description, reason.category ) and a specific field for the dispute history event (eventDetails.messageText). The possible card network-specific values for these fields can be found in the Mastercard Chargeback Guide.
You can reconcile the disputed amount caused by the chargeback based on the reconciliation details by getting details from the Get Reconciliation Details endpoint with type typeSpecific
: FirstChargebackDMSSpecific
This works similarly to what is described above. You can get notified about new disputes or updates to a dispute status on a specified URL with a disputeKey
(only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists).
Get the dispute from the Silverflow API using the disputeKey
as a path parameter /disputes/{disputeKey}.
Get Visa Dispute
Get Visa Dispute Event History
Get the dispute event history using the disputeKey
as a path parameter GET/disputes/{disputeKey}/eventHistory
. Get the dispute history event for the received chargeback using the eventHistoryKey
of the chargeback event GET/disputes/eventHistory/{eventHistoryKey}
In the above examples, there are a few Visa-specific values for the dispute object ( reason.code, reason.description, reason.category ) and a couple of particular fields for the dispute history event ( eventDetails.issuerQuestionnaire
, eventDetails.elaboration
). The card network-specific values for these fields can be found in the Visa Chargeback Guide.
You can reconcile the disputed amount caused by the chargeback based on the reconciliation details by getting details from /reports/reconciliationDetails
endpoint with type "typeSpecific"
: "FirstChargebackDMSSpecific"
Acquirers can respond to incoming chargebacks in three different ways:
Accepting liability
Mastercard chargebacks
Visa category 12 and 13 chargebacks
Visa category 10 and 11 chargebacks
When defending a chargeback, the acquirer files a chargebackResponse
(“Second Presentment” in Mastercard nomenclature, “Dispute Response” in Visa terminology) with the card networks. This is the case for all chargeback defenses, except Visa category 10 and category 11 disputes, for which a pre-arbitration must be filed if the acquirer wishes to defend against the chargeback. We will consider all these cases separately.
All incoming chargebacks have an expiry date (actionDueDate
) by which a response must be filed. The acquirer loses the right to defend and recuperate the disputed amount if the chargeback expires.
In this case, the dispute is no longer actionable, and the dispute status changes to closedLost
, which triggers the emission of a notification (only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists) and the creation of a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: chargeback
and disputeStatus
: closedLost
If the acquirer does not wish to fight the chargeback, they can acknowledge and close it. This allows the acquirer operations team to separate the chargebacks they want to defend from those not worth their time.
Accept liability for the dispute using the disputeKey
as a path parameter while it has disputeStage
: chargeback
and disputeStatus
: received
The disputeStatus
changes to closedAccepted,
which triggers the emission of a notification (only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists) and the creation of a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: chargeback
and disputeStatus
: closedAccepted
An acquirer may choose to defend against a Mastercard chargeback depending on its second presentment rights. The rules that govern chargebacks and second presentations can be found in the Mastercard Chargeback Guide, which can be downloaded from Mastercard Connect. A Mastercard chargeback response (or second presentment) requires an acquirer to provide evidence to the issuer to prove the chargeback was invalid. After it has been submitted to Mastercard, processing a chargeback response (second presentment) will lead to a funds flow (the amount withheld by the chargeback is returned to the acquirer).
1. Add Document
Add a document placeholder to the dispute to be defended (provide disputeKey
as a path parameter). The documentKey
returned in response to this call will be used in the next step to upload a document.
2. Upload Document
Upload the evidence to the placeholder on the dispute using the documentKey
as a path parameter.
3. Defend Chargeback
Defend against the Mastercard chargeback using the disputeKey
of the dispute to which the evidence was just uploaded as a path parameter and by providing the right disputeResponseReasonId
and messageText
(based on the Mastercard Chargeback Guide).
For the specific values for the disputeResponseReasonId
and the messageText
please refer to the Mastercard Chargeback Guide.
The disputeStatus
changes to defenseInitiated,
which triggers the emission of a notification (only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists) and creates a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: chargeback
and disputeStatus
: defenseInitiated
. This dispute history event also reflects the properties of the chargeback defense.
4. Retrieve Chargeback Outcome
When Mastercard processes the response, the disputeStage
changes to chargebackResponse
, and the disputeSatus
changes to awaitingResponse,
which triggers the emission of a notification (only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists) and the creation of a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: chargeback
and disputeStatus
: awaitingResponse
Reconcile the disputed amount returned to the acquirer due to the second presentment using the GET/reports/reconciliationDetails
endpoint, which will contain the additional fields in typeSpecific
: "SecondPresentmentDMSSpecific."
An acquirer may choose to defend against a Visa category 12 (Processing Error) or 13 (Consumer) dispute, depending on its dispute response rights. The rules governing disputes and dispute responses can be found in the “Visa Product and Service Rules: Dispute Resolution” downloaded from Visa Online. From now on, we will use the terms chargeback and chargebackResponse because that’s the terminology used in the Silverflow API. A Visa Category 12 or 13 chargeback requires an acquirer to provide evidence to the issuer to prove the chargeback was invalid. After it has been submitted to Visa, processing a Visa category 12 or 13 chargeback response will lead to a funds flow (the amount withheld by the chargeback is returned to the acquirer).
1. Add Document
Add a document placeholder to the dispute to be defended (provide disputeKey
as a path parameter). The documentKey
returned in response to this call will be used in the next step to upload a document.
2. Upload Document
Upload the evidence to the placeholder on the dispute using the documentKey
as a path parameter.
3. Defend Chargeback
Defend against the Visa category 12 or 13 chargebacks using the disputeKey
of the dispute to which the evidence was just uploaded as a path parameter and by providing the right disputeResponseReasonId
, disputeSubResponseReasonId
, creditOrReversalDetail
, and elaboration
(based on the Visa dispute rules) in the request body.
The creditOrReversalDetail
is mandatory for Visa disputes when the defense response reason is Credit or reversal processed and represents the credit or reversal details.
4. Retrieve Chargeback Outcome
The disputeStatus
changes to defenseInitiated
, which triggers the emission of a notification (only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists) and creates a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: chargeback
and disputeStatus
: defenseInitiated
. This dispute history event also reflects the properties of the initiated chargeback defense.
When Visa processes the response, the disputeStage changes to chargebackResponse, and the disputeStatus changes to awaitingResponse, which triggers the emission of a notification (only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists) and the creation of a new dispute history event with disputeStage
and disputeStatus
: awaitingResponse.
Reconcile the disputed amount returned to the acquirer due to the second presentment using the Get Reconciliation Details endpoint, containing the additional fields in typeSpecific
: SecondPresentmentDMSSpecific
An acquirer may choose to defend against a Visa category 10 (Fraud) or 11 (Authorization) chargeback, depending on its response rights. Visa eliminated the possibility of responding to a category 10 or 11 dispute with a dispute response, so if an acquirer wishes to defend, they immediately have to escalate to a pre-arbitration case filing. This is called the “Allocation Flow". A Visa Category 10 or 11 chargeback requires an acquirer to provide evidence to the issuer to prove the chargeback was invalid. After this evidence has been submitted to Visa, processing a pre-arbitration in response to a Visa category 10 or 11 chargeback will not lead to an immediate funds flow (as is the case with processing a chargeback response for category 12 and 13 chargebacks). The case filing needs to come to a conclusive end before any potential fund flows will be triggered, depending on the outcome of the dispute.
1. Add Document
Add a document placeholder to the dispute to be defended (provide disputeKey
as a path parameter). The documentKey returned in response to this call will be used to upload a document in the next step.
2. Upload Document
Upload the evidence to the placeholder on the dispute using the documentKey
as a path parameter.
3. Defend Chargeback
Defend against the Visa category 10 or 11 chargebacks using the disputeKey
of the dispute to which the evidence was just uploaded as a path parameter and by providing the right disputeResponseReasonId
, disputeSubResponseReasonId
, creditOrReversalDetail
, and elaboration
based on the Visa dispute rules in the request body.
4. Retrieve Chargeback Outcome
The disputeStatus
changes to defenseInitiated
, which triggers the emission of a notification (only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists) and creates a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: chargeback
and disputeStatus
: defenseInitiated
. This dispute history event also reflects the properties of the initiated chargeback defense.
When Visa processes the response, the disputeStage changes to preArbitration, and the disputeSatus changes to awaitingResponse, which triggers the emission of a notification (only if an event notification webhook for disputes exists) and the creation of a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: preArbitration
and disputeStatus
: awaitingResponse.
Disputes that can’t be resolved with a chargeback or chargeback response can be escalated to pre-arbitration. The pre-arbitration stage gives the acquirer and the issuer one last chance to resolve the dispute before the card networks intervene with a ruling at the arbitration stage (which can be costly). The incoming pre-arbitration changes an existing dispute stage and status to:
This generates a new history event object with equivalent disputeStage and disputeStatus and event-specific eventDetails. At the pre-arbitration stage, fund flows are only triggered once the dispute has played out (disputeStatus: closedWon,closedLost, closedAccepted
Note: Because of the Visa Allocation flow, Visa category 10 and 11 disputes cannot respond to a chargeback with a chargeback response. Therefore, the acquirer initiates pre-arbitration for those dispute categories, and the issuer must respond with a pre-arbitration response.
Acquirers can respond to incoming pre-arbitration case filings in three different ways:
Accepting liability
Defending (Rejecting)
Mastercard pre-arbitration case filings
Visa category 12 and 13 pre-arbitration case filings
When choosing to defend against an incoming pre-arbitration case filing, the acquirer rejects it. Note that this is not the same as escalating to an Arbitration case filing; it will now be up to the Issuer to determine whether they want to escalate to Arbitration.
All incoming pre-arbitrations have an expiry date (actionDueDate
) by which a response must have been filed. If the pre-arbitration expires, the acquirer loses the right to defend, and the funds are returned to the Issuer.
The dispute is no longer actionable, and the dispute status changes to closedlost,
which triggers the emission of a notification and the creation of a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: preArbitration
and disputeStatus
: closedLost
The disputed amount is returned to the acquirer after the chargebackResponse
is returned to the Issuer. The amount can be reconciled using the reconciliation details and will be visible under typeSpecific
: "PreArbitrationDMSSpecific"
If the acquirer does not wish to fight pre-arbitration, they can acknowledge and close it.
The disputeStatus
changes to closedAccepted,
which triggers the emission of a notification and the creation of a new dispute history event with disputeStage
: preArbitration
and disputeStatus
: closedAccepted
The disputed amount that was returned to the acquirer after the chargebackResponse
is returned to the Issuer and the amount can be reconciled using the reconciliation details.
Depending on its response rights, an acquirer may choose to defend against an incoming Mastercard pre-arbitration case filing. By defending, the Acquirer rejects the incoming pre-arbitration and signals to the Issuer that they are unwilling to accept liability. The Acquirer can motivate this decision using additional evidence and a memo.
Responding to a Pre-Arbitration Case Filing for Mastercard and Visa Category 12 and 13 follows steps 1-4 as listed above in the section covering Defending a Chargeback. In terms of status change, this will be reflected as follows:
: preArbitrationResponsedisputeStatus
: awaitingResponse
For Visa, category 10 and 11 disputes, the acquirer is the side that can file a pre-arbitration, and therefore, the pre-arbitration response is only received:
Dispute Category Code | Description | Response | disputeResponseReasonId | disputeSubResponseReasonId |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Not listed above | NL | - |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC4='Cardholder canceled before the expected receipt date of the merchandise/services |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC5='Merchandise being held at cardholder's custom agency' |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC6='Balance of a partial prepayment was not paid, and the merchant was willing and able to provide merchandise/services' |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC7='Cardholder received merchandise at the agreed upon location or by the agreed date/time' |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC8='Name on manifest of departed flight matches the name on purchased itinerary' |
13.1 | Merchandise/Services Not Received | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC25='Not listed above' |
13.2 | Canceled Recurring Transaction | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
13.2 | Canceled Recurring Transaction | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
13.2 | Canceled Recurring Transaction | Not listed above | NL | - |
13.2 | Canceled Recurring Transaction | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC1='Services or merchandise were provided before cancellation date' |
13.2 | Canceled Recurring Transaction | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC2='Acquirer or merchant was not notified that the account was closed' |
13.2 | Canceled Recurring Transaction | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC3='Cardholder requested cancellation for a different date and the services were provided until that date' |
13.2 | Canceled Recurring Transaction | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC24='Cardholder did not attempt to return merchandise' |
13.2 | Canceled Recurring Transaction | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC25='Not listed above' |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Not listed above | NL | - |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC11='Merchandise or Service matched what was described' |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC12='Merchandise was not damaged' |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC13='Merchandise or Service was not defective' |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC14='Merchandise or Service quality matched what was described' |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC24='Cardholder did not attempt to return merchandise' |
13.3 | Not as Described/Defective | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC25='Not listed above' |
13.4 | Counterfeit Merchandise | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
13.4 | Counterfeit Merchandise | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
13.4 | Counterfeit Merchandise | Not listed above | NL | - |
13.4 | Counterfeit Merchandise | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC21='Docs to support merchant claim that merchandise is not counterfeit' |
13.4 | Counterfeit Merchandise | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC25='Not listed above' |
13.5 | Misrepresentation | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
13.5 | Misrepresentation | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
13.5 | Misrepresentation | Not listed above | NL | - |
13.5 | Misrepresentation | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC22='Docs to prove terms of sale were not misrepresented' |
13.5 | Misrepresentation | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC24='Cardholder did not attempt to return merchandise' |
13.5 | Misrepresentation | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC25='Not listed above' |
13.6 | Credit Not Processed | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
13.6 | Credit Not Processed | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
13.6 | Credit Not Processed | Not listed above | NL | - |
13.6 | Credit Not Processed | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC15='Dispute is for the cashback portion of a Visa Cash Back Transaction ' |
13.6 | Credit Not Processed | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC16='Dispute is for quality and services and there was no credit receipt provided' |
13.6 | Credit Not Processed | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC17='Disputed amount is a Value Added Tax and there was no credit receipt provided' |
13.6 | Credit Not Processed | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC24='Cardholder did not attempt to return merchandise' |
13.6 | Credit Not Processed | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC25='Not listed above' |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Not listed above | NL | - |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC1='Services or merchandise were provided prior to cancellation date' |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC9='Disputed amount is due to Value Added Tax' |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC10='Returned Merchandise is being held in a custom agency outside the merchant's country' |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC18='Merchant properly disclosed a limited return or cancellation policy at the time of the transaction.' |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC19='Cardholder received merchant cancellation or return policy and did not cancel according to policy.' |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC23='Dispute is for quality.' |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC24='Cardholder did not attempt to return merchandise' |
13.7 | Canceled Merchandise/Services | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC25='Not listed above' |
13.8 | Original Credit Not Accepted | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
13.8 | Original Credit Not Accepted | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
13.8 | Original Credit Not Accepted | Not listed above | NL | - |
13.8 | Original Credit Not Accepted | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRC25='Not listed above' |
12.1 | Late Presentment | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
12.1 | Late Presentment | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
12.1 | Late Presentment | Not listed above | NL | - |
12.1 | Late Presentment | Invalid dispute | ID | - |
12.2 | Incorrect Transaction Code | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
12.2 | Incorrect Transaction Code | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
12.2 | Incorrect Transaction Code | Not listed above | NL | - |
12.2 | Incorrect Transaction Code | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRP1='Transaction code is correct.' |
12.2 | Incorrect Transaction Code | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRP2='Credit was processed correctly'- |
12.3 | Incorrect Currency | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
12.3 | Incorrect Currency | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
12.3 | Incorrect Currency | Not listed above | NL | - |
12.3 | Incorrect Currency | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRP3='Currency is correct.' |
12.3 | Incorrect Currency | Invalid dispute | ID | IDRP4='Country code is correct.' |
12.4 | Incorrect Account Number | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
12.4 | Incorrect Account Number | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
12.4 | Incorrect Account Number | Not listed above | NL | - |
12.4 | Incorrect Account Number | Invalid dispute | ID | - |
12.5 | Incorrect Amount | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
12.5 | Incorrect Amount | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
12.5 | Incorrect Amount | Not listed above | NL | - |
12.5 | Incorrect Amount | Invalid dispute | ID | - |
12.6 | Duplicate Processing | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
12.6 | Duplicate Processing | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
12.6 | Duplicate Processing | Not listed above | NL | - |
12.6 | Duplicate Processing | Invalid dispute | ID | - |
12.7 | Invalid Data | Cardholder no longer disputes | CNLD | - |
12.7 | Invalid Data | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
12.7 | Invalid Data | Not listed above | NL | - |
12.7 | Invalid Data | Invalid dispute | ID | - |
Dispute Category Code | Description | Response | disputeResponseReasonId" | disputeSubResponseReasonId |
10.1 | EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit | Cardholder no longer disputes | ND | -
10.1 | EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
10.1 | EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit | Compelling Evidence | CE | - |
10.1 | EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA7” = Not Listed Above |
10.2 | EMV Liability Shift NonCounterfeit | Cardholder no longer disputes | ND | -
10.2 | EMV Liability Shift NonCounterfeit | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
10.2 | EMV Liability Shift NonCounterfeit | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA7” = Not Listed Above |
10.3 | Card Present Environment | Cardholder no longer disputes | ND | -
10.3 | Card Present Environment | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
10.3 | Card Present Environment | Compelling Evidence | CE | - |
10.3 | Card Present Environment | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA7” = Not Listed Above |
10.4 | Card Absent Environment | Cardholder no longer disputes | ND | -
10.4 | Card Absent Environment | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
10.4 | Card Absent Environment | Compelling Evidence | CE | - |
10.4 | Card Absent Environment | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA7” = Not Listed Above |
1.1 | Card Recovery Bulletin | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
11.1 | Card Recovery Bulletin | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA1” = Dispute involves MCC for Lodging |
11.1 | Card Recovery Bulletin | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA2” = Dispute involves MCC for Cruises |
11.1 | Card Recovery Bulletin | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA3” = Dispute involves MCC for Vehicle rental |
11.1 | Card Recovery Bulletin | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA5” = Transaction date is incorrect, and auth obtained |
11.1 | Card Recovery Bulletin | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA7” = Not Listed Above |
11.2 | Declined Authorization | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
11.2 | Declined Authorization | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA1” = Dispute involves MCC for Lodging |
11.2 | Declined Authorization | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA2” = Dispute involves MCC for Cruises |
11.2 | Declined Authorization | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA3” = Dispute involves MCC for Vehicle rental |
11.2 | Declined Authorization | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA4” = Dispute involves MCC for a Transaction that was Chip initiated and offline Authorized |
11.2 | Declined Authorization | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA7” = Not Listed Above |
11.3 | No Authorization | Credit or reversal processed | CP | - |
11.3 | No Authorization | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA6” = Special Authorization procedures followed on initial/subsequent authorization |
11.3 | No Authorization | Invalid Dispute | ID | “IDRA7” = Not Listed Above |
Chargeback Category Code ( | Description | Response Description | Sub Response Description | Response Reason Code ( |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Compelling Evidence | - | 2700 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Credit Previously Issued | - | 2011 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Acquirer Reference Data | 2001 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Non-receipt of Required Documentation to Support Chargeback | 2002 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback | 2004 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Duplicate Chargeback | 2701 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Past Chargeback Time Limit | 2702 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Data Record Text | 2704 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Documentation Received was Illegible | 2709 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan | 2710 |
4853 | Consumer Dispute | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Chargeback | 2713 |
4837 | No cardholder authorization | Invalid Dispute | Liability Shift | 2008 |
4837 | No cardholder authorizaton | Compelling Evidence |
| 2700 |
4837 | No cardholder authorizaton | Invalid Dispute | Invalid chargeback | 2713 |
4837 | No cardholder authorizaton | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Neither Required nor Received | 2001 |
4837 | No cardholder authorizaton | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback | 2004 |
4837 | No cardholder authorizaton | Invalid Dispute | Duplicate Chargeback | 2701 |
4837 | No cardholder authorizaton | Invalid Dispute | Past Chargeback Time Limit | 2702 |
4837 | No cardholder authorizaton | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Data Record Text | 2704 |
4837 | No cardholder authorizaton | Credit Previously Issued | - | 2011 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Compelling Evidence | Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services | 2700 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Compelling Evidence | Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services - PIN transaction | 2700 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Compelling Evidence | Transaction Amount Differs | 2700 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Compelling Evidence | ATM Disputes | 2700 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Compelling Evidence | Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages | 2700 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Compelling Evidence | POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) | 2700 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Compelling Evidence | Improper Merchant Surcharge (Intra-European and Inter-European transactions only) | 2700 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Compelling Evidence | Unreasonable Amount (EEA, Gibraltar, United Kingdom) | 2700 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Credit Previously Issued | - | 2011 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services - PIN transaction | 2008 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Late Presentment | 2713 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Late Presentment - Corrected transaction date | 2003 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Neither Required nor Received | 2001 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Non-receipt of Required Documentation to Support Chargeback | 2002 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback | 2004 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Duplicate Chargeback | 2701 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Past Chargeback Time Limit | 2702 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Data Record Text | 2704 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Documentation Received was Illegible | 2709 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan | 2710 |
4834 | Point of interaction error | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Chargeback | 2713 |
4808 | Authorization | Invalid Dispute | Issuer Authorized Transaction | 2008 |
4808 | Authorization | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Chargeback | 2713 |
4808 | Authorization | Compelling Evidence | Issuer Authorized Transaction | 2008 |
4808 | Authorization | Invalid Dispute | No authorization request required or attempted | 2707 |
4808 | Authorization | Credit Previously Issued | - | 2011 |
4808 | Authorization | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Neither Required nor Received | 2001 |
4808 | Authorization | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback | 2004 |
4808 | Authorization | Invalid Dispute | Duplicate Chargeback | 2701 |
4808 | Authorization | Invalid Dispute | Past Chargeback Time Limit | 2702 |
4808 | Authorization | Invalid Dispute | Invalid Chargeback | 2713 |