Getting Started
Error Handling


Error Handling

We follow the error response format proposed in RFC 7807, also known as Problem Details for HTTP APIs. As with our normal API responses, your client must be ready to handle additional fields in the response.

Deviation from RFC 7807

  • The mime type in the Silverflow API is application/json instead of application/problem+json.

  • Some errors (502 and 504 returned from the infrastructure) may only have HTML content with mime-type text/html.

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The following HTTP status codes are retriable and should be retried by the client:

  • 429

  • 502

  • 503

  • 504

Other status codes in the 4xx and 5xx range should not be retried as they will yield the same result. For endpoints that support Idempotency, see type: entry-hyperlink id: 7tO1BZ7nz2k6vB11VZGmcR.

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Rate Limiting

The server's resource consumption limits the number of requests per second you can make. This limitation protects the API from being overloaded. After reaching that threshold, the API will start responding with HTTP response 429: Too Many Requests. Clients should respect the Retry-After response header, which states the minimum number of seconds to wait before retrying again.